What Do You Think I Am, A Grown-Up?
From the mouths of babes:
Returning home from the daily daycare pick up, this nugget fell out of the Fairy's mouth (directed at the ManChild):
"What do you think I am, a grown-up? I'm only five years old!"
MC: "Well, that means you're a grown-up. Riiiiiight Daddy?"
(Never giving me a chance to answer) F: "You're crazy, I'm in kindergarten."
MC: "Well, you're older than me and daddy says I'm a big boy, so you're a grown-up!"
F: "Daddy's not a grown-up!"
PI (finally getting a chance to chime in): "Did your mother tell you that?" What can I say, my wife has four children and I only have three. Bless her heart.
The Princess has had a touch of the flu, this is but one of the "Diarrhea Dialogs":
P: "Mommy, I just went poopie and it was gold!"
Vixen, without missing a beat: "If my poop was gold, I'd take it to the bank."
P: "Not REAL gold mommy. The color! C'mere, I'll show you."
No thanks. Go flush, please.
The ManChild refused to eat dinner, so I had to re-heat his pizza for him. His response, and having ridden shotgun with Pseudo, leaves little doubt where he learned this.
MC: "Daddy, my pizza is too hot!"
PI: "It'll cool off; blow on it."
MC: "You cooked it too long, you idiot!" The Vixen and I nearly peed our pants before we dealt with that one...
I know that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Me, I just look back and ask: "What do you think I am, a grown-up?
My poor kids; I learn as much from them as they do from me...
That's some great stuff. I wish my nephews were funny or interesting. Or spoke clearly enough.
They will be. It takes some time, but then BAM!, overnight they turn into little people that say crazy things. It really just comes out of nowhere.
We have 3, so there really is more than that, but it's part of everyday life...mi vida loca...wouldn't trade it for the world.
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