Redundantly And Repeatedly Repetitious
Interestingly, today I find myself with nothing interesting to say. With Operation Hopelessness nearing completion, I feel hopelessly blogger blocked. Operation Hopelessness is where parents, hopelessly, try to get their kids to clean up after themselves without hope of them ever actually listening to you, doing what they are told or obeying their parents. It is a hopeless endeavor that usually doesn't get completed when it isn't finished at the end; hence hopelessness.
2,483 legos picked up; 347 lincoln logs picked up; one 98 piece science kit picked up; 68 matchbox cars picked up, and I can't think of a synonym that means the same thing as "picked up." I wonder if I can think of an antonym that means something different?
I tried to find good information about the Ohio State - Notre Dame match up on the internet, as well as the world wide web. Couldn't find any. Couldn't find any good news stories about the Fiesta Bowl, either.
I guess I could fold the laundry that needs to be folded and put the folded laundry where the folded laundry goes.
I could vacuum the carpet that needs to be vacuumed with the vacuum cleaner, but we call it a "sweeper" in Ohio. Should I sweep the carpet that needs to be swept with the sweeper or the vacuum? Are the two synonymous?
I could dust the dust off of the dusty items in the house. Should I use a duster?
I could feed the Urinator and MamaDog food that they are usually fed when they need food.
I could also stop redundantly restating and repeating myself in a repetitious manner.
Is this vacation, a day off, time off, or Goundhog Day?
Why do I feel like I'm running in circles, round and round, passing the same point numerous times, over and over, and over, time and time again, without ever getting anywhere?
Is this you, John Wayne? Am I me?
When will it end? Will it ever stop? Are we nearing the finale? Is the finish line near? Will it be over soon?
Ah, Christmas is in three days. The holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ is in tres dias, 72 hours, the day after the day after tomorrow, or Sunday.
I guess it just depends on how you look at it, what your perspective is or what is your point of view. But certainly, one thing is certain; without a doubt or reservation, it is clearly clear to me...
HAHAHAHA! We're great! Just a case of writers...umm...bloggers block! I can handle the kids, but they can't handle me!!! ;~)
Back to work, I go!!!
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