The New Exit Strategy
I want to apologize right up front to all of my moderate to conservative friends out there. I simply cannot keep quiet any longer. I watch the news and it sickens me to hear the reports of terror and death. I read the news on line and it breaks my heart to think of the parents and families of the slain burying their loved ones for no real reason at all! I cannot imagine the volume of traffic pouring through the morgues. The young, the innocent; death knows no racial boundry.
When the truth is so plain to see, I just cannot imagine how we can go on any longer tolerating this insanity! The DixieVixen initially suppported staying, but when I explained to her the number of Americans dying she quickly changed her tune.
I'm sorry W., it pains me to say this, but it's time for you to move. Mr. President, please break it gently to Laura but it's time to PULL OUT OF D.C.!
If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000.
The rate in Washington D.C. (among others) is 80.6 per 100,000. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington D.C.
This post kicks ass. Americans are too easily distracted by shiny object to ever ask themselves how the death rate in Iraq compares to the death rate in, oh, say...any major American city. Granted, there are probably a lot more amputations here (not a lot of roadside bombs in DC) but your point is still valid. By "here" I mean Iraq.
Anyway, you might like this post of mine:
And FYI, I found your reply to DC Cookie's "White Girls Are Easy" post. She's a friend of mine from my DC days. I noticed Brutus and, as a bona fide Buckeye fanatic, had to read more.
Sorry about your finger but this is good stuff. Have fun down there in L.A.
Thanks dude. I appreciate the kudos even more considering you're out there gettin' it done. I will check your work out.
You know, the finger deal sucks, that is for sure. It hurts, it's always in the way, writing, typing - all that shit had to change, but DAMN!, it is a frickin' joke machine! Like a little built in tension breaker!
Take care!
"Understand this Liberal America, there are consequences for your actions. There are ramifications as a result of your words. There are repercussions. There is accountability."
Your knack for statistics: superficial
Your political commentary: passe, one-dimensional and boorish.
Despite your cleverness with numbers, I find it particularly noteworthy that you conveniently fail to mention that for every 1 American soldier killed in Iraq, there are nearly 20 dead Iraqi civilians since the beginning of the occupation of Iraq.
I will agree with you on one salient matter: It certainly is time for this Administration to pull out of DC. Unfortunately, three more years cannot come soon enough! :)
One-dimensional and boorish? It's an opinion! It's humor. It's commentary. It's not a research paper. It's not an internal debate...
Maybe the death ratio would be better if Truman handled Iraq.
I'll go look up Dixie Chicks albums sales and find out that....whew, not a drop? No surprise there. However, if you want to spew the attacks then you surely can't be surprised when one has had enough. Extreme left-wingers piss everyone off, from the moderate lefties to the moderate righties to the Hannity's of the world. Sean Penn? I don't even think Democrats like him.
I'm not a hard right winger either; I am more of a mildly right moderate. However, the abuse of the First Amendment is out of control. WWII would still be raging if todays relaxed interpretations of "constitutional rights" were in affect.
As far as W. goes, I realize that he is under scrutiny for many valid reasons. You can spin this however you like, but would Kerry really be doing that much better? You find 50 people that say yes and I'll find 50 people that say no.
Marion Barry in '08!
P.S. What does the 20:1 ratio look like when you factor in the 300,000+ Kurds killed before we got there?
Namaste's sarcasm is tart and tangy but I think she's really sweet. I think I have a blog crush on her but she's ignoring me.
However, my fellow Buckeye asks a good question. If I may paraphrase: how often during Saddam's tortuous tenure did his Western apologists cry about dead Iraqis? I'm damn sure he killed way more than have died since the invasion. And, oh by they way, Iraqis are still dying almost exclusively at the hands of Arab terrorists or other Iraqis. They're killing each other much faster than we're killing anyone.
Don't cry for those who murder themselves in thought, word and deed. This culture has a lot of catching up to do, as proved through repeated violent eruptions over the past generation. We're just applying an expectorant to help the system cough up all the filth that has accumulated in that time...and the four centuries or so prior in which they seem to be stagnating. We want to be here less than you want us to be here. But we don't want to leave until it's done. Trust me on that one.
I don't want to get side tracked on a debate over the merits of the Iraqi War. We should be there. The UN should have seen to it after the umpteenth time the inspectors were twarted so Saddam could move his WMD stockpile. Think he didn't have WMD? How do you think he exercised genocide on over 300,000 Kurds in northern Iraq? Gas. That is a WMD.
My point, which obviously struck a nerve, was my OPINION of administrators at institutions of higher learning trying to cram their liberal beliefs down students throats. I am not alone in that perception. Conservative college campus atmospheres are few and far in between. Based on those actions, and the creation of an environment that is as narrow minded as you can get, I believe that said adminstrators have gone beyond doing their job to doing the work of the Democratic Party.
Trust me. I went to college at one of the nation's better engineering schools during the first Gulf War. At this school the running joke was that you were either from Cleveland or the Middle East. The Arab student population was (and is) very large. Let me tell you, it was extremely disheartening to see American students supporting foreign exchange students protesting an American led ousting of a genocidal dictator from Kuwait!
If one learns anything in life, I hope it is a lesson that allows them to function in the reality of today and the promise of tomorrow.
But, that's just my opinion.
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