My Thanks
I am not thankful for an arbitrator's ruling, contrary to popular belief. I am not thankful that a major car manufacturer is closing production plants (insert NAFTA joke here). I am not thankful that the saddened families of brave warriors are manipulated and cajoled by opportunistic media members. I am not thankful that certain-partied politicians condemn the spending on the Global War on Terrorism, yet conveniently overlook the outcome of the Dayton Peace Accords and timeline established for US Military involvement there. I am not thankful that the very document that grants me liberties and freedoms others dream of protects someone's right to demand my son or daughter not be able to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school.
I am thankful for my beautiful wife and children. I am thankful for my best friend. I am thankful that I will spend the upcoming holidays with my family, at home, safe, and without trepidation because you are out there giving me my peace of mind.
I am thankful for each and every day I can walk to my mailbox without worrying about an IED.
I am thankful for Lloyd Carr. I am thankful for Senator Tressel.
I am thankful to hundreds of thousands of heroes that will never read this, never know it existed, and in some cases, never see their loved ones again.
I am thankful to those who serve. I am thankful to those who served in the past. I am thankful to those who understand sacrifice; real sacrifice and not someone on "Survivor" crying about how hard it is to be away from home for 39 (WOW...39!) whole days while they are competing for a cash prize of (in your best Dr. Evil voice) one million dollars. I am thankful to those who continue to serve me after I ended my service to others. I am thankful for my blanket of freedom.
I am thankful for the loved and lost. I am thankful that the gallant efforts, however ordinary they may seem at the time, of the men and women (who may not think they have much to be thankful for as they spend the upcoming holiday season in a less-than-desirable place). I am thankful for those who've spent Christmas in an abandoned scud missile bay. I am thankful for those who sang Christmas Carols in a muddy trench. I am thankful for those spending even a moment away from their loved ones because "duty, honor, country" or "Semper Fidelis" are not punch lines.
Thank you. God bless you.
Go Bucks!
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