Ever have a "whoa"?
Have you ever had a whoa? It's a moment in time that stays with you; it possesses a lasting affect that makes it a more profound as it grows and it grows as it gets older. So, what I am wondering is simply this: what is the significance of the whoa?
As we prod along in life we are filled with thoughts, visions and dreams. Sometimes these come true; sometimes we never fulfill them; sometimes we can't see the forest through the trees and we never know we were right on top of it! So, when something comes or something goes, does the profound affect it has on you have destiny or fate written all over it?
Is the whoa a sign that something will be as it will be, or is it meant to make you realize that you need to look again and see what is right before your eyes? Like you can see something that no one else can; it's there, but they just overlook it somehow.
Is the whoa a trivial, analytical bunch of mumbo-jumbo or is there something to it? Have you ever just said to yourself: "whoa!" and thought that you were just struck by something profound? Have you ever deeply contemplated how a right turn, versus a left, could have changed your life? Have you ever thought you had it all figured out, only to go "whoa"?
I think the unique thing about the whoa is that it is all in the eye of the beholder. I think it is relative to the maturation of the moment, i.e. what you do with the gift once you've received it. However, the whoa could be something less desirable. It could lead to blindness. We don't want to blind now, do we? All five senses play into the whoa, not just the sense of touch...in this case - feeling. Do you feel that? Or, smell? I should've smelled that coming from a mile away! What about taste? Doesn't the best in life taste so sweet, and the worst so bittersweet? Smell? When life is grand, we smell the roses! But, when it's not so great it really stinks... Which one is your whoa? I think I know what mine is, but the intriguing thing about the whoa is that you just have to wait and see!
Prudence is a friend of the whoa, I think. Consideration is, too. Perhaps candor is beneficial to the whoa? Honesty certainly is, we are nothing if we don't know the truth (and I don't mean blue pill/red pill here either!).
If you don't know what the whoa is, I can't help you. Either you understand what you just read or you don't. Either you wasted your time, or you're thinking, right now, about your very own whoa and that sure beats doing laundry, now doesn't it?!
You're the biggest homo[sexual] on Earth.
Someone labeling themself "banananugget" really shouldn't throw stones from their glass house...
I really don't understand your fascination with this, but it is a reference to The Matrix.
Watch "The Matrix"....that is where it is from. American pop culture is a bitch!
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