Sunday, July 09, 2006

When is enough, enough?

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Is it enough when you feel pain - unimaginable pain? Is it enough when you feel like quitting? Is it enough when you feel like running away? Is it enough when success seems impossible? Is it enough when failure feels inevitable?

It's not that difficult. It is enough when it is enough. It is enough when you don't even realize that your limit has been reached, but it just magically turns itself off. When you wake up one day and have that revelation, maybe that is enough. But, when you feel, when you care, when you are determined, when you still feel that fire burning inside of you or when you still have that passion, it is not yet enough. When you still have the strength to fight, it is not enough. When you still have the will power to surge onward, it is not enough. When you still have the courage to fight, it is not enough.

Humans are extraordinarily resilient creatures. We can take a lot. We can take more than we'll ever know. Do you think scared people quit or are beaten when they say "enough is enough". I guess that is in the eye of the beholder. Are we right to judge? Should we show respect? Should we let others decide for themselves when enough is enough?

Yeah, we, people, are funny creatures. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Sometimes we just don't know when to quit. Sometimes we just can't say when. Gluttons for punishment, we are. It actually seems that sometimes one could interpret the resiliency of the human spirit as self-destructive. Yet, at other times it could just as easily be interpreted as what makes humans so special: the ability to stare down adversity and overcome the odds. But, I will offer you this...when we push ourselves toward a goal that we thought was unattainable and we reach it, ah, that is when we find life's true reward. That is when we feel that tingling that brings us back for more. That is when we realize we are stronger than we ever thought we were. That is when it hits us, like a ton of bricks, that we are capable so much more.

So, when is enough, enough? I guess we all just have to figure that out for ourselves...


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