Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ever had one of those days?

I think my brain is fried. Yep, it is Courtney Love. Gone; toast; unimaginative; lacking all creativity and beaten into full scale retreat!

Laws will do that to you. Rules will do that to you. Elevated agencies will do that to you. The view must be pretty nice from "up there". I'm sorry. I am just a little frustrated; being the only person west of the Mississippi River that can apply the litmus test to anything is a large burden to bear!

What are we going to do? Well, let's try this. No, that won't work. Why? Because it didn't work last time. Oh, you know what? No, what? I think it'll work. Why? Because it's a good idea. OK, why don't we look it up. I don't need the book! What the...?!?! What? Why didn't my idea work? Because it didn't work last time? Why not? Because it didn't make sense then either. Well, it did to me! And yet it failed...amazing! Good call, jackass!

I am not the smartest person in the world. But, I play one on TV.

Well, I guess I'd better quit boring you...and tears and go try to find a way to make things that make perfect sense make perfecter sense.

That is not a word George! It's not? NO! Why not? Because it doesn't make sense! Is it in the dictionary? No. How do you know? I looked it up! Reeeeeaaaaallllly? Now, isn't that special! Yes it is George, now quit making up words!

You see, I've taken to inventing a new language. That doesn't make any sense now, does it? Aha! Now I'm getting somewhere!

P.S. Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad - 42 years and counting!!!


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